Friday 22 January 2010

Erkin the Fleshwarper

This malefic gnome is no longer a fey creature. So thoroughly has he embraced the reality-altering energies of the Far Realm he has become kin to those aberrant creatures that he studies.

Roleplaying Erkin:

Key Traits: a psychopathic inability to empathise or sympathise with others, curiosity, emotionally dead
Goal: to unravel the mysteries of life and reality
Motivation: an insatiable curiosity that has been corrupted into madness
Fears: boredom

Weaknesses: easily distracted by "the new"

Stat Block:

Erkin the Fleshwarper, male gnome alienist wizard
Level 4 Elite Controller
Small aberrant humanoid (gnome) XP 350
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +1; low-light vision
HP 110; Bloodied 55
AC 18; Fortitude 16; Reflex 17; Will 16
Saving Throws +2
Speed 5
Action Points 1
m Touch of Madness (standard; at-will) • Psychic
+8 vs Will; 1d6 + 4 psychic damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to Will defence (save ends).
R Your Limbs are Not Your Own! (standard; recharge 5 6) • Charm, Psychic
Ranged 10; +8 vs Will; 1d10 + 4 psychic damage, and the target slides 2 squares and makes a basic melee attack against itself.
C Mind Blast (standard; encounter) • Psychic
Close blast 3; +8 vs Will; 3d6 + 4 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
A Grasping Tentacles (standard; at-will) • Force
Area burst 2 within 10; +8 vs Reflex; 1d6 + 4 force damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Fade Away (immediate reaction; encounter) • Illusion
Trigger: Erkin takes damage. Erkin becomes invisible until he attacks or until the end of his next turn.
Reactive Stealth
If Erkin has cover or concealment when he makes an initiative check at the start of an encounter, he can make a Stealth check to remain hidden.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Deep Speech, Elven, Primordial
Skills Arcana +11, History +11, Religion +11, Heal +6
Str 9 (+1) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 9 (+1)
Con 15 (+4) Int 18 (+6) Cha 15 (+4)

Erkin was able to secure illithid genetic material when he came across a pool of viscous purple slime in which dwelt a small swarm of larval flayers. The spawning illithids and, presumably, the elder brain were no longer present, possibly slain in a githyanki raid.

Using aberrant rituals he had uncovered in illithid tomes written in their touch script of qualith, Erkin was able to control the larval flayers and, in his own case, bond with one symbiotically. This is what has given him the ability to use mind blast much as a mind flayer would.

In addition, he has been able to transform several humanoids into devolved illithids. Two that were formed by implanting the larval flayers into a human and a half-orc have become tame psionic hunting dogs that he can send out to capture other humanoids for further experiments. Other implants were not so successful: most are just twisted and deformed aberrations of frightful aspect.

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