Friday 22 January 2010

Tarnsin Hahl & Selcheth of Thay

Tarnsin Hahl is a young Thayan necromancer who, like most of his fellows, is possessed with a lust for arcane power and an unhealthy level of ambition. In Hahl this is coupled with a murderous streak and a profound love of deception: it is no surprise that he is a follower of Cyric!

Despite his relative youth and inexperience, Hahl has been despatched by Szass Tam to Airspur with diplomatic credentials, ostensibly to oversee a small enclave that remains loyal to Thay. However, his true mission, as far as has been divulged to him, is to seek out and explore places of elemental power and return, in due course, with his findings to Thay.

What Hahl does not realise is that it is his devotion to Cyric that won him this mission; he is a pawn in a long-term plan of Szass Tam that may see the lich escape the bargain he made with Bane.

Hahl is accompanied everywhere by his formidable bodyguard, Selcheth, who is actually a paladin of Cyric. While she will do all to ensure Hahl's safety she also has no compunctions about plunging her sword into his heart should he fail to pursue his mission.

Roleplaying Tarnsin Hahl:

Key Traits: arrogant, intellectual, haughty, subtle
Fears: failing Szass Tam and the resulting punishment

Roleplaying Selcheth:

Key Traits: fanatic, murderous, taciturn
Goal: to see Cyric return as the supreme power of the Realms
Motivation: religious fanatic, a true believer
Fears: failing the Dark Sun
Weaknesses: hates Banites and will always slay them first

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