Thursday 28 January 2010

Uzaglu the Deathcap King

(Uzaglu the undead myconid king first appeared in the sidetrek adventure Uzaglu of the Underdark by Christopher Perkins in Dungeon 67. The artwork is from The Empire of the Ghouls by Wolfgang Baur/Open design. I was a patron for that project.)

Uzaglu rules a plaguecave filled with spellscarred fungi of all sorts but dominated by large deathcaps that are quite obviously touched by the Spellplague as Uzaglu itself also is.

Uzaglu was originally a myconid sovereign but also a druid who watched over this grove that was filled with primal energy (it is also located very near to a powerful earth node). Something happened when the Spellplague struck. A vampire wizard sought the power of the earth node and to corrupt the primal energies of the grove but, while working his ritual, he merged in an explosion of cerulean flames with the myconid king. A hybrid entity was formed and Uzaglu is now, for all intents and purposes, a myconid vampire.

(This piece of background is badly written. The story makes no sense. However, it will serve as a placeholder.)

Roleplaying Uzaglu:

Key Traits: hungry
Goal: to feed its mushroom grove
Motivation: Uzaglu is simply driven by its almost animal instincts to protect and grow its grove
Fears: radiant energy- "it burnssssss, it doessssss"
Weaknesses: its hunger can is a weakness

Stat Block:

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